Triple Frontier

Been to the flicks? Seen a good looking trailer?
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Triple Frontier

Post by AndyCr15 »

This is a Netflix made movie, I watched it last night.


Unfortunately I was rather disappointed for what looks to be a pretty good cast. There seemed so many 'but why would they do this' type moments. I think I would go 6/10.
Surely that much money wouldn't be that poorly defended?
Why did the bad guy come out of his safe spot, with them all basically waiting for him?
Once you've got the mules, just get the money to a safe spot, get home, regroup and come back for it with proper equipment.
Why did it take the kid so long to attack? He can't have set off much after them, surely he could have done it while they slept?
Noble gesture and all, but I still don't really get why they gave all the money to the dead guys family?
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