For me today, I was only cooking a piece of meat and also making chips. The meat needed to be cooked for 20 minutes and then have sauce put on for 5 more minutes in the oven. The chips take 16 minutes in the air fryer.
Using my app, I don't have to work out the correct timings to put everything in. I just 'program' it all in before hand and start it up. I can even put in I need 30 seconds to add the sauce to the meat! It gives me a nudge 30 seconds before the next item needs to go in the oven and I can always see how long until the next thing needs to go in. If needed, you can pause individual items or the whole thing. ... tchentimer
Anyway, thought I'd give it another plug here. Being my first real Android app (11 months ago now!) it's not perfect, but actually really function I feel. Would love to hear feedback if anyone tries it