NFL 2020/21 Chat

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Re: NFL 2020/21 Chat

Post by Spiff »

Titans are up to 20 personnel positive. Now Sephon Gilmore tested positive on the patriots. They are showing him interacting with chiefs players after the game. This is getting out of control.
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Re: NFL 2020/21 Chat

Post by Adenchiz »

Titans broke protocols, gathered for a workout last week

A group of Titans worked out at Montgomery Bell Academy on Sept. 30 despite an NFL directive not to hold such get-togethers while team headquarters was closed because of a COVID-19 outbreak, according to sources who saw players there.

A league source said that once the Titans building was closed down on Sept. 29, the franchise was told there were to be “no in-person meetings, workouts or activities at the facility or elsewhere.”

Students at the private school saw a large group of adult football players they identified as Titans working out on the school’s field during classes in the middle of the day. Another source said he saw Ryan Tannehill there.
Cant see how the league doesn't punish them for this.
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Re: NFL 2020/21 Chat

Post by Spiff »

The punishment may be a forfeited game for the rest of the season. Shut them down a close up shop for the rest of the season.
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Re: NFL 2020/21 Chat

Post by Adenchiz »

Pats vs Broncos is now postponed.
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